Because everyone is doing it.....
....I will too. A year in review. Sorta. Just the highlights.
In 2009 my son became a legal adult, joined the military, went to basic training, graduated basic training and made me the proudest Mama on the planet.
In 2009. I went back to school for something I love and am good at and made my Mama the proudest Mama on the planet. I am carrying a 3.5 GPA which is astonishing if you knew me back in high school and college the first time.
In 2009 Shawn was laid off..twice! We have lived through both.
In 2009 Skylee turned a decade old.
In 2009 I made it through another year of not killing Shawn's dog.
In 2009 the Democrats took control and made me very hopeful for the least temporarily.
In 2009 I posted 100 pictures in 100 days.
In 2009 my Grandmother passed away exactly one week before my birthday.
Lots of other things happened in 2009 but those are what stand out in my mind without going back through my archives and looking. Who wants to look back anyway?? I hope 2010 is better than 2009. I hope the new decade is better than the last decade. More peaceful. One can hope right?
Happy OH TEN readers!