Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween ramble

The munchkins are out trick or treating with their Dad. So I am here watching old reruns of the Simpsons. Not just any Simpsons reruns but the Tree House of Terror reruns. They are the best and I wait all year to get my fill of them!

So I am sitting here trying with all of might  not to tuck into the bowl of candy waiting in the foyer for all the little ghosts and goblins. I am either PMS'ing or stress'ing but I cannot sate my appetite for sweets this week. I crave anything baked and chocolate. If that won't do I will devour an entire bag of starburts, when that doesn't work I dig into a loaf of banana bread. I have a feeling I am going to OD on snickers bar and wind up in the ER getting my stomach pumped.

This is what Minnesota kids look like when they head out to beg candy from strangers.


Hannah and her best friend Keely this morning at school

My little man Talen

A little side note: The vest little man has on was Ed's when he was a baby, 15 years ago.

Speaking of Ed. I gave him a list of rules before he headed out tonight. They included no throwing TP, tomatoes, or eggs. No smashing pumpkins or stealing candy. He sais okay I won't get caught. Boys!! Here is a picture of the stud man who proved last night that he can take his Mom down and give her a wet willy. Why can't he still be a sweet little dude?

Okay, That is enough. I have been super chatty today.

Michelle :)

I heard from the banker this afternoon. They are still thinking they can do the loan but he is worried about the amount of money the sellers are asking for the place so tomorrow we will be making an offer for less than they are asking and with some better terms. Hopefully the sellers accept the offer and the bank accepts the offer. That is the first step in this long road.

Hannah had a mini Halloween party at dance last night. She had a blast and looked so darn adorable!!


Today was her preschool party and the kids have their parties this afternoon. Pictures of them to follow.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween

So the 4th annual Halloween party has come and gone. So much preperation for one night. One night that is fairly fuzzy. I do know I got my picture taken with Kiss!! Go Kiss. It was an absolute blast. 

It looks like the neighbors have decided not to move.Yay!! I knew they couldn't live without us.

Here are some picts! Enjoy :)

Shawn and I

Sexy bunny

That is all I can show you folks!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Call it fate, kismet, call it karma or destiny. Maybe I have ESP? I do know I have a heavy heart. You see, two of the neighbors I posted about yesterday announced last night they may be moving to Vegas. He got a job offer and his parents live there. They wanted to move closer to family. We are family dammit.

There were many tears shed last night, guilt trips as well. How could they even think of leaving us? We are the amigos. How can they take my adopted niece and nephew away?  Hannah's best friend. Do they know how this will tear those girls apart. Those two aren't merely friends, they are sisters. I have never seen any two children spend so much time together. When they were gone for four days Hannah was lost. When they got back Hannah rushed over as they were pulling in the driveway. She had to spend the night. They laid awake talking until midnight and were up at 8 so they could talk some more. Soul sisters those two are. What will become of them if they move?

Then there is my little man. The dude I love as if he were my own. From the time I held that baby in my arms at the hospital I was in love with him. When she had such a hard time with PPD after he was born  I devoted my time to helping her and loving him. That's what friends and families do. I celebrated his first tooth, his silly little crawl, and then the momentous first steps. We sat outside and encouraged him to walk back and forth between us and cheered like mad and covered him with kisses when he did.  They can't take him away from me yet. I haven't cheered when he mastered a two wheel bike yet.

I know, it sounds so silly. They are neighbors after all, some would say. Not many people have the pleasure of having their neighbors turn into their family.

I feel as if my heart is breaking...

Thursday, October 26, 2006


As I was cleaning my house it caused me to stop and ponder just how blessed I am (yes blessed to do housework).
I am so blessed to live on such a wonderful block with the most amazing neighbors anyone has ever had. We all started out as friendly neighbors and progressed to friends, now I would call us a family.
Most of us don't have any family nearby and heavily rely on each other when times get tough. Tonight I am hosting a pumpkin carving party. This is a tradition, done every year, the people who hosted it in the past moved so now I have picked up the torch.
Saturday someone is hosting our annnual Halloween party. There was talk of dropping it this year but in the end tradition endured.
In November a Thanksgiving feast is held. Everyone is invited to join. In December I host a holiday party. Christmas Eve is spent together partaking in church service, stories for the kids, gifts and wine for the adults. In January a superbowl party is hosted. There are birthday parties thrown and no one is excluded. We buy gifts for each others kids. We spend many weekends together barbequeing in someones garage. Why the garage? Because we are hillbilly's of course. The decks are to hoity toity for our use. There are bon fires and beers and many confidences shared.
Yep, I live in the best neighborhood with the best neighbors ever.
For that I am thankful.

Losing my mind

I am going completely and totally nuts!! I will not make it through this week. I am so afraid there will be another offer on the bar while we are waiting on our financing and we will lose it. I am so afraid of what will become of me if the financing is a no go. Like I said, I am a ball of nerves. Pray for me.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I just got back from meeting with the banker. Did I mention I looked at another restaurant last Thursday? I am hoping all of the disappointments we have had in the last few months have led us to this place. I would love to hang my server apron at this place for awhile.

When I walked in I felt at home. I expected someone to yell Norm everytime the door opened. This is my kind of place. There is food there but it is mostly a bar. A really wonderful sports bar.

Anyway, the banker said everything looks good. He will check into some loan options and let me know. As always, fingers crossed people.

So, what did ya all think of my pictures? Fun bunch we are eh?  Scott and Cat's wedding reception was a blast!! It was go, go, go from 8 am on but it was so worth it. In my opinion it turned out perfect.

This coming up weekend is our anual Halloween party. More craziness and with any luck more crazy pictures to follow. You know you all want to party with us. I just might leave Shawn at home this year. My man is being an ass but what's new? So what are we going to be this year you ask? How about Hugh and the girls (as in next door). Now you know you can't wait to see the pictures!!


Monday, October 23, 2006

Update on the month

So much going on this month and I haven't really made any updates. I am just going to post some pictures and let them tell the story.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A total brag!!

Sky won a poster drawing contest at school last week. She had to draw a fire safety poster. She won first place in the first grade. She won a $10 award, had her picture in the paper and her poster goes on to the state competition. I am so proud of my little Sky bug!

Still searching for a restaurant. I found a broker online. I called him and he was having a big ass fit about having to share commission with my agent. I was supposed to meet with him today but wasn't able to because of Matthew's field trip and the fact he didn't call me back to work out the commission split thing. This really is bullshit. Why is it so hard to find something to buy? I really wish I knew what the next step was.

As for Matthew's field trip today, it was so awesome!! We went to the science museum and saw body worlds. It was fantastic!! I had a bit of a problem with the fetuses and the woman with the baby still in her stomach but the rest was awesome. The kids were so hilarious freaking out because the penis' were still attached. This one boy in our group decided he wanted to be buried because he didn't want his body cut in half like one of the specimens and he didn't want everyone seeing his penis. A-okay! The omni theater was fantastic as well. We saw a great piece on the vikings, Fun time!

Body Worlds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keely fell over the railing tonight at her house. Holly called and wanted me to check her over. Poor kid, she is going to be sore for a bit but she looks okay. Hannah had to call right away when I got home so she could ask Keely herself if she was ok. No trusting Mom when we are dealing with her best friend.

Scott and Cat's wedding reception is this weekend. I can hardly wait!! I'm sure i'll be adding pictures. The walk was fun and hopefully they raised a bunch of money for research and grants for the families.  


Monday, October 2, 2006

Hodge Podge


Update on the restaurant. The owners took a much higher offer. We knew there was one in place and it could happen but it was still crushing. I had my hopes to high and I swore I wasn't going to do that. So, we keep looking. We found one (or what we thought was one) in a very up scale tourist town. We requested the financials, when we got them it turned out it was just a bar, no restaurant. Cripes! There is also one in a small town about 45 minutes from here. The problem is, it's a small town. If I wanted to take chances in a small town I would just stay here. The search continues.

Tomorrow is Skylee's 7th birthday. It seems like only yesterday my sweet little girl was my first sweet little baby girl. I would stare at her for hours in awe because I finally had a girl. I had such high hopes for her. She was going to do everything I did as a girl and everything I wasn't able to do. So far she is so much like me it is surreal. I call her mini me all the time. She is so much a mixture of who I was as a child and who I have grown to be as an adult. I am very proud of the smart little girl she is and I am still so excited about the smart young woman she will grow to be. I adore this girl. She has shaped the woman I have grown to be. I want to be a role model for her and I just hope I can do her justice.

I have been closely following the school shootings in the last week. It makes me so sad and so angry. These children are going to school as millions of children do everyday. They don't expect to be murdered trying to get an education. It pisses me off. If these sick bastards want to commit suicide then do it. Do not end the life of an innocent young child with so much potential. End your own life, leave theirs intact.

Another thing that burns my ass is the thing with the senator. Ya know, I care that these teenage boys are being targeted but it is not the big deal it is being made out to be. This kind of thing happens everyday. There are so many other things to cover in then news than what political ramifications this republican will bring to his party. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

So, I went to the renaissancefestival here in Minnesota for the first time ever. So much hype. It was pretty much a let down. It was fun but I don't care if I ever go back.

So how about them Twins? Go Twinkies! Enough said!                        

Apple season is upon us at work. Aye karumba! Busy, busy. Saturday I went in at 2, I didn't leave until 10:30. I was exhausted!! I have to do it two days in a row this coming weekend. I am not made for this anymore. Busting my ass for someone else just isn't in my blood like it used to be.

Shawn and I are participating in a charity walk this Saturday. It is for our friend Scott who was in a horrible accident a year ago in March. He is one of the lucky ones that has made a recovery. Not a full recovering but a wonderful, miraculous recovery none the less. Another one of our neighbors was in an accident in August. It doesn't look like his recovery will be nearly as miraculous. He quite frankly isn't doing well. That is where funds from organizations like this come in to play. Scott was one of the lucky ones, Chet doesn't appear to be so lucky. Please, think about donating to this worth while charity. One never knows when they could use the funds of a charity like this one. Here is the link. ActiveGiving.com Donations. Thank you all in advance!!


Peace out friends.

Michelle :)

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