In Celebration of Number 99
Happy New Year Internet!!
Ok maybe just one little picture. Think of it as my new years gift to all of you. Sorry about the boob thing she just can't help herself.
Happy New Year Internet!!
Ok maybe just one little picture. Think of it as my new years gift to all of you. Sorry about the boob thing she just can't help herself.
Posted by Michelle at 1:43 PM 3 comments
The strangest thing just happened. Strange in the fact that it hasn't happened in quite some time. Nearly a year to be exact. I thought I had escaped them, I thought they were gone. Until today. I had a server nightmare.
I used to have them all the time. Wake up in a cold sweat. Scream. Then a year ago I quit my job and my life as a 16 year career server ended. The nightmares ended. It was sweet relief. No more dreaming about forgetting someones food or having a customer scream at me in front of a restaurant full of people or a number of other nightmareish things a servers exhausted mind can dream up. Until today.
I woke up from my nap and my first thought was "shit, I just had one". I dreamt that I was back at my old haunt. The place had just reopened after being closed. It was present time. The old manager D was back and unfortunately, so was I. In this particular nightmare I was in the weeds because the root beer line was full of air and everyone wanted root beer. I dropped hot food on a little old lady as I passed her. Tried to take a food order from the wrong table and made it to my own table woefully late because whomever took their drink order wouldn't give it to me.
This dream was realistic in the fact the manager made inappropriate comments to me and the other girls and the staff was under skilled and under age.
It was a really odd dream. I wonder what my mind is trying to tell me? If it thinks I am going back to waiting tables then my mind can kiss my ass.
Posted by Michelle at 4:36 PM 11 comments
Every year Shawn and I host the New Years Eve party for our friends. It is a blast to mesh my friends and his friends together because I have to be honest here. Most of our friends totally rock!
Last year I did a taco buffet that rocked so of course I want to do it again this year. Why mess with a good thing?
I am looking for suggestions on what to serve. So far I have hamburger and chicken tacos, 7 layer dip, cream cheese and salsa dip, homemade salsa with chips, and sopapilla's for dessert. Cat has volunteered to bring the guacamole. Yummy!
Internet, I need some more suggestions. Any ideas?
Posted by Michelle at 4:10 PM 7 comments
Posted by Michelle at 9:33 PM 3 comments
At first when I told Linus his post received a ton of comments he got all shy and hid......But he quickly got over himself and went right back to doing what he does best, sleeping in his very own Moses basket. He thanks you all, he told me.
Posted by Michelle at 2:26 PM 1 comments
Three days before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
But a cat and a mouse
Posted by Michelle at 9:31 AM 6 comments
Posted by Michelle at 11:32 AM 4 comments
I just get cut a break. We were reminded today what a truly small and selfish person my Mother in law is which is always a slap in the face. A bit ago I opened the freezer side on the fridge and was greeted with a 5 pound sugar shower. Shawn had moved the canister of sugar and forgot to move it back away from the edge. After that was cleaned up I decided to head to the chest freezer downstairs to see what I could find for dinner. I unloaded the mounds of shit accumulated on the lid and opened it up for about 5 seconds when I was greeted with the most nasty assed smell ever. I gagged and closed the lid. Weeks ago Ed accidentally unplugged it. Hundreds of dollars worth of food just went to the dumpster. I guess that is how it goes. Runs of threes. Mother in law, sugar, nasty assedness.
Posted by Michelle at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Hannah going into the big wipeout
Posted by Michelle at 1:36 PM 1 comments
So I am wondering if maybe I should just change the name of my blog? Or not? Because now I am really desperate. Me thinks this may become an exceptionally old house remodeling blog.
I spent 2 hours over there this morning waiting on an electrician. He never showed. This guy called me! I didn't seek him out. He is a friend of our insurance agent. I guess now I will have to find an electrician on my own. If anyone knows an electrician based south of the Twin Cities metro give me a holler. Holla!
While waiting for Mr. No Show we decided to do some more demo'ing. Lord help me before I kill my Dad. First he decides it would be cleaner to tear down the lathe one piece at a time while removing the nails as he went. Oh hell no, rip the shit down and we'll sweep it up. Yep, that's how it works. I don't have 6 months to demo this house. God willing Shawn will go back to work sometime soon. The sooner we get this house done the better. I am still in the midst of a basement remodel of my own here.
The real kicker of the morning goes something like this....
The house was built in 1930 (hello broken record. How many times will you tell us when the shitty old house was built??) so it is filled with asbestos and lead paint. Shawn and I immediately ditch our clothes and shoes and shower the second we walk in. We cannot bring that shit in our house for our kids to breath in or touch or whatever. I was lolling away in the shower enjoying the steam when I hear clop, clop, clop. Holy fuck! He has his shoes on in my house! Shoes covered with asbestos and lead paint dust. Oh my god, oh my god. Please I am praying dear lord make him take his shoes off. I am standing in the steam of the shower steaming over the fact he has so little regard for my house or my kids that he would wear his shoes on my carpet and his clothes on my couch. I love my dad and I know he is old and quirky but come on! Shawn and I just stripped down in the foyer.
That is just the first half of my day people. I still have a dentist appointment left to go. Is it Friday yet?? I cannot wait to see my Jill and imbibe ourselves with so much wine I have no choice but to forget how much stress I am feeling. Anyone know a good masseuse??
Posted by Michelle at 11:47 AM 1 comments
So you know people say God won't give you more than you can handle? I have said that many times myself. Well hello God. I may be at my limit.
Early Friday morning I was drove the kids to school. Stopped briefly to have a conversation with another Mom about where I bought Hannah's Skecher boots and where she could get her daughter some. Hannah had the boots last year. Some people have a good memory. I apparently don't. Turns out I can't remember to turn a heater on.
I decided to stop at my Dad's new house that he just closed on last Wednesday. Check the mail, make sure everything was okay. He is a long haul trucker and all these new chores have fallen on me. Only I suck.
I walked up the sidewalk and noticed the glass on the door had a bunch of condensation on it. I remember wondering why, then I walked in. I am really a ditz. I noticed several boxes were askew on the kitchen floor and wondered if someone had broke in. I stepped back a few steps thinking maybe someone was in the house. That was when it hit me, the thunderous roar of water pouring from the ceiling. Not a drip, drip, drip. A thunderous roar. Enough water to float several boxes full of kitchen appliances across the kitchen floor. I ducked through the water and walked into the living room where there was even more water pouring out of the light fixture in that room. Lovely, just lovely.
Time to back it up a few days, Wednesday Shawn and I went over to the house to put plastic on the windows. Apparently super old houses need that. I am not well versed with super old houses. Obviously. The kids pointed out the ice in the sink and toilet. Oops. I guess in the transfer from seller to buyer no one thought to turn up the heat. So we just did it. Never once thinking frozen pipes burst when heated. Once again, never had to worry about that before. I am just getting a well rounded education.
Ok back to Friday. I immediately ran to my car to get my phone. Fuck! Shawn's phone is dead and going right to voicemail. So, I have to speed home to get Shawn and explain the problem. Did you shut the water off he asks? Do I know how to do that? Seriously? I could do it here at my own house but not at a house recently purchased and built in 1930!
The entire day was just a calamity, really, I swore I had to be on candid camera because shit like this does not happen to people. Seriously. I called the insurance company. Less than 2 hours later the adjuster called back to deny the claim? Huh? Wanna think about it first? In the mean time I had already called a water restoration team out. Thanks for showing up guys but the insurance won't pay you. What do you charge? $3000 for some fans! Are you serious? Really. Where is that camera? Shawn and I decided we would just clean the shit up ourselves. You know, turn up the heat to a billion degrees, turn on the fans, stuff like that. After 8 hours dealing with water we headed home.
Saturday morning a friend met us over there to help remove an antique built in cabinet from the kitchen so we could get the soaked linoleum up before it warped the hard woods underneath that we wanted to restore. Ha ha! You silly girl. Rip up 4 layers of linoleum. The stuff laid in 1930, then 1950, then 1970 then sometime in the 90's. At least they were consistent. New linoleum every 20 years. Underneath all those layers of linoleum was the most rotted out nastiest smelling hard wood floors I have ever seen. Holy shit. So much for restoring those. We got the cabinet out only to discover the walls were so wet they crumbled when you touched them. We spent another 8 hours demolishing the walls, floors and ceiling. Also an entire demolition of the bathroom which was also soaked. So after 16 hours of work all we had was a big mess, a ton of stress on how this would be paid for and sore muscles from all the work. But alas my stress level isn't even close to being maxed out yet.
Saturday night around 11:30 I get a call from Ed's friend Michael's Mom. Ed was goofing off and cut himself, he just passed out in the bathroom and needs stitches. Not exactly what I wanted to hear after the 2 days I had just dealt with. 7 stitches and several hours at the ER later we are on our way out. Did I mention the kid doesn't have insurance. Its a whole other story so add to my stress the cost of an ER visit. Are you feeling it yet?? We aren't even done yet. It gets so much better.
Sunday morning my Dad got to town. I was stressed about his reaction to seeing what we had done to his house. If he was pissed he hid it well but now I have the mother of all sinus infections. Shit! I had planned to spend the entire day making Christmas cookies and candy with the kids. I had to cut out for a several hour long nap to try and rid myself of the headache. My husband stepped in. Sometimes I love that man, sometimes. I think after dealing with my Dad's house and helping the kids with baking and homework this week I may just reward him with that Crash Bandicoot game he wants.
Monday I had a lady parts appointment and sang the praises of YAZ to my doctor. He has no real idea what I would do without my non crazy pills in this situation. I got a flu shot too and did not sing its praises. I curse the flu shot just as it cursed me. I felt so lousy that evening all I could do was lie on the floor in front of the space heater, moan, shiver and whine about how bad I felt but I couldn't give in because the recruiter was coming over so I could sign my sons life away (or the next 6 years) to the Minnesota National Guard. STRESS!! My kid is joining the military. STRESS!!
Today, Tuesday, I heard back a definite no from the insurance company so I had to have a long talk with my Dad about how he planned to pay for this mess he has among a million other things. Calling all the contractors back and thanking them but no sorry we will be doing the work ourselves. I did get in a Christmas shopping trip in today under the disguise of going to Home Depot to price check so my Dad could make a budget. Honey we are so close to the mall, can we please stop there so I can finish Christmas shopping?? Please?? Oh yeah, it worked.
Tonight I had to freak out on my poor family and tell everyone i was locking myself in my office for the whole night so I could work on my Mom's Christmas present. Which I almost lost when the page unexpectedly refreshed causing me to have a major panic attack. I had just worked 2 hours on that project and I don't have 2 more to give. But all was saved, leading me to believe that just maybe my luck is turning around. Maybe God is listening to what I am saying. I am at the end of my rope here.
Posted by Michelle at 6:25 PM 1 comments
Posted by Michelle at 6:31 PM 3 comments
Today is Hannah's 7th birthday.
They had a talent show at her school today and she won first prize for singing! The song she sang? Iron Man by Ozzy Osbourne. Yup. That's my girl. I am totally curious as to what the teachers thought when she broke out that little diddy.
Posted by Michelle at 3:38 PM 3 comments
This weekend totally rocked. Rocked in a way I have needed a weekend to rock for such a long time. This was the weekend of seeing people I love and haven't seen in such a long time. Too long. Anyway, let us start at the beginning.
Posted by Michelle at 5:49 PM 1 comments
This song was written when the first Bush was in office, as the second Bush leaves office the lyrics still ring true.
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...So, you get what we had here last week,which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men." *
Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before
My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars
D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land
And I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more
My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors
And government officials
For example to create a vacuum
Then we fill that vacuum
As popular war advances
Peace is closer" **
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war
I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway
Posted by Michelle at 1:12 PM 3 comments
Are there any dream decipherers out there? I had some odd assed dreams last night and am dying to find out what they mean. When my Jill tells me her dreams I can always guess at what they may mean. My own, no idea.
I dreamt about my turtle tank. I refilled their water but it was too hot. 90 degrees according to the thermometer and no matter what I did I couldn't get the temperature down. I was fearful my precious turtles and their fishy friends would perish but there was no change in their behaviour and they didn't die.
Dream number 2 was odder still. I have dreams of my ex often but this one is odd. I was somewhere. I think a day care center or something that had a water slide. I watched several children fall to the cement below. None were mine and I knew none of them but I couldn't get off this slide. I was to afraid to either go down the slide or go back down the way I went up. When I finally got down I was inside of the day care building. A super old friend of mine came in and said my ex was outside to go out a different door and he wouldn't see me but I looked out the window and there he was. I remember hiding my son and walking out the door to see what he wanted but all I could say is "your hair looks weird". When he and I were together he shaved his head nearly bald, in my dream he had a blonde afro'ish hair due. Then I woke up. What in the hell is up with these dreams? Anyone?
Also, why is it that I spend hours organizing and cleaning my laundry room and ten minutes after I have walked out either the kids dump their laundry basket from their room into the middle of the floor OR Shawn comes in and kicks all my separated piles of laundry into one large pile of unseparated clothing? He then shrugs and says "I didn't know they were separated". Hmmm hello McFly! Did you think the jeans fell into their own pile?
So help me out with my dreams people!! Please!
Posted by Michelle at 12:21 PM 1 comments
Hannah and I are sitting here discussing that I am tired and should go to bed. I told her maybe I should lock my door so Skylee doesn't sneak into my room in the middle of the night. She said "that's a good idea, then I won't have to sleep alone tonight". I asked her what she was going to do when she grows up and has to sleep alone. Her response "I will never have to worry about that Mom, I am going to live with you guys my whole life". I said "Oh yeah? What if we don't want you to live with us our whole life?" She got super pouty and whined "You don't want me living with you? I am your baby. You don't want your baby?".
Yeah, she wins. Of course I do. If she could only stay a sweet little girl her whole life!
Posted by Michelle at 9:16 PM 3 comments
This topic is near and dear to my heart. My little sister is gay. It doesn't make her less of a person. I doesn't make her immoral. It doesn't make her a lot of things. What it does is make her heart whole.I adore my little sister and although I don't care what you call it (marriage, civil commitment) I believe with all my heart she has the human right to love and be committed to whomever she chooses. Just as I have the right. Californians should be ashamed. Americans should be ashamed but first and foremost the human race should be ashamed. Ashamed that instead of educating themselves they hide behind their fears and ignorance. It is time to stand up as a nation. Gay and straight and demand the human rights of everyone no matter their sexual preference.
I tried to embed the video but blogger hates me. Please. Follow the link.
Posted by Michelle at 4:53 PM 3 comments
I am going to have to sum my trip to Washington up in as few as words as possible. I don't want anyone to cry for me or worse yet die of laughter. I just can't be responsible for the demise of my very few readers. I mean, I need all of you!
Sunday night as I was arriving in the baggage claim area I realized I left my phone on the plane. OH SHIT! Please, please let no one have picked it up. My entire social life is contained in that phone. I wouldn't even be able to call my Mom without it. I have no memory (obviously! Duh!) so I don't know anyone's phone number. Luckily after pleading and offering up my first born (he is a teenager after all, easily disposable) I was able to get the baggage claim clerk to have someone bring my phone down. Sweet relief. I can have friends still. Thank goodness.
Oh wait...I have to tell you all who was on my flight. You are never going to believe it. This dude is AWESOME!! I mean awesome, the rock star of literature. Okay enough suspense. Garrison Keeler! Yep you heard me right! He is such an idol of mine. He kills me several times a week with his column in the paper. I totally had to control myself and not be super stalker fan. So I refrained from following him into first class, sitting on his lap and whispering in his ear "Garrison I love you". That would have been bad. Right??
Oh yeah, on with the story. So we leave the airport and head the hour and forty five minutes to my Dad's house. 15 minutes in I decide I am starved and have to eat. NOW! We whip into Wendy's drive thru. Dad shuts off the truck to order and then tries (tries being the operative word here) to restart the truck. Nothing. 3 fucking AM CST I am stuck in a Wendy's parking lot. It turns out his truck has some security feature and if you try to start it in neutral it locks up for an hour. Great.
2 hours after arriving at my Dad's apartment I have to be up and out the door to go pick my Grandma up for surgery. I am going to admit right here that this moment and one other are the only things that went right on this trip. When my Grandma saw me she burst into tears and kept muttering about how I was only this high when she last saw me and she didn't think she would ever see me on this side again. It was all very sweet. We got her off to her surgery. When we were leaving the hospital I gave her a pair of mittens that I bought at Walmart for 2 for a buck. One would have thought they were made out of gold and woven by the Pope. She oohed and awww'd over those gloves. It was very sweet.
Monday afternoon and evening was a flurry of packing and trailer loading. My Dad is super human pack rat man. Barely anything was packed so we had to work on that plus loading the trailer. Everything I wanted to put in a box had to be first examined and the story behind it told. Sigh. Thank God for my uncle Dick. I couldn't have maintained my sanity without him. He is the most awesome dude I have ever met. I love, love, love him! Did I mention it rained hard and half the state was flooding out? No? Yeah.
I did get to go on Tuesday night and have dinner with my cousin Ross and his wife Brenda. I really wish we would live closer. Ross is super cool and his wife is so funny and witty and beautiful. That dinner is the other highlight of this trip. None others. Understand?
I had planned to be on the road for the trip home by noon. Yeah fucking right. 6 effing 30 we rolled out. I got super sick a few miles out. Nothing good and I can't even relive the memory for you. I think it had to be all the rain and stress.
Thursday when we hit Montana we also hit the shittiest weather ever. Blizzards, blizzards everywhere. Somewhere in Montana we hit a patch of ice, spun the truck around on the freeway a few times and slammed the trailer into the side of the truck. Oh boy that was fun. :Insert big fat eye roll here:
Friday morning on the way into South Dakota we hit another blizzard and a 10-12 car accident. We were the last ones through before they closed the interstate. Finally Friday night after 50 hours and 7 count them 7 hours of sleep since Tuesday night we arrived home. Safe but stressed, tired, bitchy and happy as hell to hug my daughters.
Oh my daughters, I forgot to mention that Tuesday night Shawn called me in a panic and asked if a fever of over 104 was bad. Yes, why? Hannah needs to go to the ER then. OMG! I am half the fucking country away and cannot do A THING about it. Thank God for my Jill. Over and over she reminds me why I love her so much. She and J jumped in her car and braved shitty weather here in Minnesota to go sit with my husband and my daughter just to make me feel better. Hannah told me the next day she was so glad to have Cat with her because it made her feel better to have a girl there. Awwww!
Saturday was a tired cranky day of unloading the trailer all damn day long. Then Sunday I had to drive 8 (I wish I could scream that) hours to Wisconsin and back to deliver my Dad to his new job.
Thank God its a new week. Shawn and I dropped the U-haul off and spent the entire day together. I missed my husband and my kids and my cat and my turtles and my dogs and my fish but most of all I missed my bed.
The end.
Posted by Michelle at 8:14 PM 7 comments
Have you ever had one of those days when it is 9:14 am and nothing is going right?
The filter in the coffee pot slid down, now I am drinking grinds. I love me a good cup of french roast Folgers with a package of french vanilla cappuccino dumped in. Actually it is more than just love. Be very afraid if you have to deal with me on a day I don't have my coffee.
Shawn is laid off and bored so I am being tortured by bad 80's movies. Oops I guess I shouldn't have complained. I am now being tortured by sports center. I don't know how much more of this I can take. 2 weeks of nothing but bad movies, sports center, constant channel flipping. We have DVR with a guide. Use it!! Not to even mention the sheer boredom he is living which causes him to pick at me like he is a 10 year old boy. My schedule is completely thrown off with him home all day which means I haven't gotten anything of substance done in weeks.
I will be on a plane in 12 hours and cannot bring myself to pack. I just can't. Its overwhelming me. I am so afraid I am going to forget something. Or put something in my carry on I'm not supposed to thus having to throw something expensive in the trash. Like my friend Holly ended up doing to a $25 tube of Clinique lip gloss. I am afraid my inhaler may get me in trouble and if I have to throw it away I won't be able to go lest I have an asthma attack and die.
Hopefully there won't be to much of a headache at the airport. I take off, fly and land with no problems, then I can enjoy a week of no husband, no sports center, no stupid movies, Starbucks coffee and my 90 some year old grandparents. Oh and the 1700 mile drive back across the country.
Posted by Michelle at 9:14 AM 2 comments
I am bored out of my mind.
There is so much I could be doing.
Should be doing.
Like packing for my trip to Washington.
Or drinking a glass of wine.
Instead I am sitting here hooked on Pogo.
The kids are even quiet.
What the hell is going on with that?
Oh yeah, it is snowing. The white stuff sucks the life out of everything.
Posted by Michelle at 3:44 PM 2 comments
Today is the 15th anniversary of the death of the greatest man I never knew. My father in law Gene. Calling him my father in law seems somehow odd to me because for all purposes Shawn's step dad Chris is my father in law. The one I know anyway and I absolutely adore him.
Gene was killed when a woman pulled out in front of him on his motor cycle. The family was faced with the difficult decision to remove him from life support. I pray to God that is a decision I never have to make.
From the stories I hear at every family gathering Gene was as close to perfection as one can get. He didn't drink but he kept a case of beer, warm beer, in the cupboard for friends and family. He also kept a rag in the glove box of his car so he could buff away finger prints on the impeccably waxed paint surfaces of his car. His young brother in law once borrowed his Mustang to take to the prom. He totalled it. I hear varying stories of what happened to the brother in law but he is still alive and walking well so I don't know how much of those stories are true.
From what I hear when his kids would piss him off he would have a short temper tantrum and quickly recover as if nothing was ever said. Choosing instead to calm down and be rational about the problem. Shawn is very much the same way.
He died when he was 42 years old and was nearly bald and almost totally grey. Exactly like Shawn looks right now at the age of 35. From what the family says Shawn is his dad reincarnated.
I met Gene's best friend a few years back. I told him I was Gene's daughter in law. This man who was fighting one of the biggest fires this area has seen in ages stopped short, got a tear in his eye and hugged me. That speaks loudly to me of the lasting impact Gene had on his family and friends.
I have yet to hear a bad thing about this man. Surely there must have been something because he was human. He lived his life well. Worked hard. Loved his wife and his children and had beautiful friendships. I guess what they say is true. The good die young. I hope one day on the other side I will have the chance to meet this wonderful man and thank him for all he left behind.
Posted by Michelle at 9:17 AM 7 comments
If I were in charge of things this is how this political shit would go down.
No one would be allowed to announce they were running for president until one year before election Tuesday. They would have a month or two to make their case. The media would help them. I mean they decide for us anyway don't they?
The caucus would be a thing of the past. Same day primaries for every state. The winner of the popular vote is the parties nominee. No battling for months and months. You get one day. Take it or leave it.
The electoral college would be a thing of the past. The winner of the popular vote is the winner.
End of story.
PS Can you tell I am burnt out?
Posted by Michelle at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Oh I get it! She is like Jessica Simpson. She just "pretends" to be a flipping moron! Right? Right? Now one can be this dim, can they?
I'm sure most of you have heard about the Masked Avengers radio disc jokey's and the "prank" they pulled on Mrs. Dimwit, pretending to be Nicolas Sarkozy.
SP Assist = Sarah Palin’s AssistantMA = Masked AvengersSP = Sarah PalinFNS = Fake Nicolas Sarkozy
Posted by Michelle at 4:22 PM 1 comments
I generally try not to write much about my kids. I just don't like to to it. They deserve some privacy. Today I am going to break that rule. They have so much going on that I need to purge. Maybe if I write about it I can get some perspective on things.
Last night was like every other night around here. I had just read Hannah a bed time story, given her a nebulizer treatment and cough syrup when the shit hit the fan. She has asthma that is brought on when she has even the smallest of colds. She was completely fine during the story, helping me read the whole thing. Then she started barking like a seal. I had already given her one neb since she has a cold. I didn't want this to get out of hand. Uh huh. I wrapped her up in a blankie and took her outside thinking the cool air would help with the croup. It did not. If anything it just made things worse.
I woke Shawn up and told him I was taking her to the ER. She could not catch a breath for anything and I was seriously afraid she would pass out before we got there. I have never, ever been so afraid and full of panic in my life. I have asthma and took more than one trip to the ER in my childhood. I know what it feels like when you cannot catch a breath and I know how scary it is. Normally when one of the kids has to go to the ER I take them myself, last night I was so afraid for Hannah I made Shawn drive.
When we walked in I told the nurse at the front desk she was having an asthma attack. We were taken immediately to a room and a doctor met us as we were walking in. That freaked me out a bit. They hooked her up to the vitals machine and had her on a epi neb before they even got her name. The doctors and nurses there did a fantastic job with her and with her panicked parents. I was impressed.
She had some xrays and blood work to determine she didn't have pneumonia and was given different steroid treatments to build her lungs back up. As soon as she was feeling better she started acting punchy. Teasing the doctor and nurses and acting like her silly self. The lab lady gave her a stuffed duck named Webby. Her and the lab tech decided it was a dumb name and should be changed. Her name is Trisha now. She was also given a stuffed Kung Fu Panda doll by the nurse. He was allowed to keep his name. She also informed Shawn that he would be sleeping on the couch because she was sleeping with me in our bed. She did end up with us, Shawn didn't end up on the couch but the only one that got any sleep last night was Hannah.
I kept her home from school today so I could keep an eye on her. These children. I just don't know if I will make it through their childhoods in one piece.
Posted by Michelle at 12:03 PM 3 comments
Labels: children
Since Miss Fate is a wild girl I try and hold her often to get her used to being handled. When she is larger I want to be able to handle her without her razor claws ripping my hand open. Crazy I know.
Anyway, I took her out a bit ago to play with her. The second I removed her from the aquarium Turts started swimming around looking behind trees, nosing all the hiding places looking for his girl.
The entire time I was playing with her he was having a panic attack. The second I put her back in her swam up to her, put his face right against hers and pawed her pack. Soooo cute! I am so glad I rescued her. He is definitely smitten!
Posted by Michelle at 12:02 PM 4 comments
When I was a young pup I lived for cheerleading (and dance but that can be its own post and is quite irrelevant for this topic). Recently my family and I attended our towns Homecoming game. Immediately I looked for the cheerleaders. They are my favorite part of any game or sport from football to wrestling. I getting caught up in the memories of my own rah rahs, high kicks, pyramids and the pure rush of adrenaline. I didn't see any cheerleaders. What? How can that be? All I saw was a cheesy tiger mascot who was trying rather unsuccessfully to rally the crowd. Booo! Give me the short skirts and pony tails!
I started asking around. Does BP have a cheer squad? Nope, we haven't had one in any ones recent memory. Not for at least 10 years or so. How in the hell can that be? Does our school, our town not have any spirit? The opposing team had a whole squad of bouncing, yelling, clapping , pom pom shaking spirit makers. Ooooh I was on a mission.
It has always been my dream my daughters would become cheerleaders when they hit middle school and compete when they were in high school. No such luck unless I do something. So I plan to do something. I have been drafting a letter to the Superintendent of our schools. I plan to offer to organize, fund raise and coach our town into some team spirit.
A school with no cheer squad is like cereal with no milk, Ren with no Stimpy, cable without Tivo, peanut butter without get the idea.
Soon I hope our town can reply HELL YES WE DO!!
Posted by Michelle at 11:57 AM 2 comments
one two three
My name is Sarah Palin you all know me,
Vice president nominee of the GOP
Gonna need your vote in the next election
Can I get a “what what” from the senior section
McCain got experience, McCain got style
But don’t let him freak you out when he tries to smile
Cause that smile be creepy
But when I be vp
All the leaders in the world gonna finally meet me
How’s it go Eskimo
Tell me what you know Eskimo
How you feel Eskimo
Ice cold
Tell me tell me what you feel Eskimo
Super cold
I’m Jeremiah Wright cause tonight I’m the preacha’
I got a bookish look and you’re all hot for teacha’
Todd lookin fine on his snow machine
So hot, boy gonna need a go-between
In Wasilla we just chill baby chilla
But when I see oil, let’s drill baby drill
My country tis of thee
From my porch I can see
Russia and such
All the mavericks in the house put your hands up
All the mavericks in the house put your hands up
All the plumbers in the house pull your pants up
All the plumbers in the house pull your pants up
When I say ‘Obama’ you say ‘Ayers’
Obama. Ayers.
Obama. Ayers.
I built me a bridge - it ain’t goin’ nowhere.
McCain, Palin, gonna put the nail in the coffin
Of the media elite
She likes red meat
Shoot a mull humpin’ moose, eight days of the week [gunshots]
Now ya dead, now ya dead
Cause I’m an animal, and I’m bigger than you
Holdin a shotgun walk in the pub
Everybody party, we’re goin on a hunt
la la la la la la la la [gunshots]
Yo Palin, I’m out!
Posted by Michelle at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Last night while I was driving home from dropping my Dad at the airport I was sucked into a deep conversation within my own brain. A conversation with the 8 year old me and the 33 year old me. We debated how differently my life might have turned out had my parents stayed together all those years ago. If my Dad could have just had some control over the crippling PTSD brought on from memories of Vietnam.
He is a rock now. Controlled, wonderful, full of advice and love. Not so much back then. For reasons unknown to me, although he was still involved in my life after the divorce he wasn't central in it. I saw him often, then occasionally, then less and less, then not for years at a time. Bitter divorce, distance and an aging daughter are probably the culprits there.
My Mother was exhausted when it came to raising us. I am sure she did her best and to this day I adore my Mother but I have to be honest, it was half assed at best. We all ran over her like she was a rug. 4 out of 5 children didn't graduate high school. I had a baby at 16. She clung to my sister until she decided to grow wings and move out at the age of 23. Mom was lonely, tired and spineless when it came to rearing 5 children.
I wonder how differently things may have turned out for any one of us had they remained together. I know I would have never been allowed to run around the town like a hoodlum, nor have sex, nor give up on high school. My Dad would have never heard of it. I have grown up and made it okay. I have some college education and a shit pile of life education. I made it out okay. I was not doomed to be a welfare Mom like so many teenage mothers are.
I still have to ponder though, how would it have been different? The 8 year old me has some ideas of her own. The 33 year old me isn't so sure.
Posted by Michelle at 10:57 AM 1 comments
Now that I am here I guess it is time to say hello. Update this thing a bit. I haven't posted anything at AOL in a looooooong time!
So, Hello Blogger! I really hope I can figure this out.
Now on to things......
My Dad is visiting here from Washington. He is planning to move out here to be closer to the grandkids. We spent this week looking at TONS of homes. Finally made an offer last night. I really hope everything works out!
2 weeks ago my princess turned 9. I swear they HAVE to stop growing. I miss the baby stages. The cute cuddly need Mommy stage. Now all she needs is Mommy to drive her around and buy groceries!
That's about it for now. I will get back into the swing of things soon and write something really worth reading. Promise!
Posted by Michelle at 11:46 AM 1 comments
Note: Photos have been removed.
Meet the newest member of our family!!
Little Miss Fate was rescued from the road today and joins Turts the Turtle, Quick and Silver the Shiner fish, Goldie and Hawn the goldfish and the RatPack of Guppies in the aquarium.
We couldn't be happier adding this sweet baby girl to our family! :)
EDIT~ I forgot to add in Hoover the sucker fish. He let me know I forgot to mention him and threatened to pack his bags and shack up with Cat's fish Blue.
Posted by Michelle at 4:41 PM 0 comments
*Note: This entry was moved here from another blog. The pictures that originally accompanied this post were not transferable.
Looking back through my old blog I find chunks of my life. Things I am glad that I wrote about. Small snippets in time, memories. There is one thing that I didn't write about that I wish I would have. One memory I don't want to lose. That event happened one year ago today.
At 6:05 pm August 1, 2007 the St. Anthony Falls bridge over 35 W in Minneapolis fell into the river below. 13 people lost their lives. Families were ripped apart and some people's lives will never be the same.
Watching the news coverage this week has really taken me back to that evening that was as normal as any other. We ate dinner, Shawn was still in the kitchen when I turned on the news. Holy shit, come look at this! A bridge collapsed. This can't be right. A bridge collapsed.
We watched in horror. Certain for the first few hours that someone had to have blown one end of the bridge up to make it come down the way it did. They had to have. Bridges don't fall down. They just don't. Oh, but the do.
As the coverage rolled in I saw a white car with a sun roof in the wreckage. It appeared to me to look like Cat's car. She had just bought it. I had no real memory of what it looked like. It was white with a sun roof. I tried to call. Of course there was no signal. Everyone in Minnesota and beyond was trying to reach their loved ones to make sure they were ok. Finally got a text through. She missed seeing the collapse by minutres. She was safe. Pure relief.
The calls came in to our house by the dozens. Not only from Minnesota friends but from people all over. Was Shawn working on the bridge? Is he ok? How do you think this happened?
We watched raw footage of victims being pulled off the bridge and out of the water. One of my most poignant memories of a victim was a large man bloodied, dirty and in obvious pain. Civilians were helping him off the bridge as firefighters, police officers and paramedics just ran past. I remember askking over and over why no one was helping him. Why didn't a paramedic stop and make sure he was ok? I had no idea of the magnatude of this disaster. Not yet anyway. It turns out the victim I was so worried about was a UPS delivery man. The media covered his story a few days later. He was badly injured but would be alright.
Another victim I focused on early in the disaster coverage turned out to be covered by national media for several days after. Hers was the little red car that had a pickup land on top of it. Melissa somebody. She too was fine.
So many others were not and in some ways it is a miracle so many were ok. All the construction workers that rode the bridge down in to the river. Surely nearly all of them perished. Thankfully no. Only one construction worker died. How did that happen?
There are so many memories from that day. The Tastee Bread truck that was burning. That one was especially hard to watch knowing the driver was in the truck, unable to escape. We had lost Scott only a year and a half before. The school bus that I thought had to be empty at first. It wasn't. 60+ kids lived through the horror around them and according to the news, most still aren't ok. I wonder if they ever will be?
Then there were the heroes. Every day people like you and I. Unfortunate enough to be caught up in construction on that fateful day. Men and women who didn't think, just did, to save so many lives that rush hour.
On the one year anniversary the emotions come rushing back. Disbelief, horror, worry, sadness, anger. People say they will never forget 9/11 and that is true. I won't, but I will never forget 8/1 either.
Artemio Trinidad-Mena
Christina Sacorafas
Greg Jolstad was the construction worker that perished that day.
Julia Blackhawk
Patrick Holmes
Paul Eickstadt
Peter Hausmann
Richard Chit died with his Mother Vera Peck
Sadiya Sahal was pregnant. Her 2 year old daughter Hana was also lost.
Scott Sathers
Sherry Engebretsens family appeared on all the news networks asking people to pray for her. Her two daughters made the Dean's list last year.
Vera Peck
As I have been sitting here watching the coverage I had a few more thoughts I wanted to add.
I remember going to a Twins game a few days after the collapse. Everywhere therr was 35 W logos. On the players, in the stands, on the walls. When the game let out we went down to Gold Medal park to take a look at the bridge up close. It was as if time had suspended. The cars were all still there in the same places they landed. In the water and on the bridge. At that point all the bodies hadn't been recovered and I remember the eerie feeling that came over me as I stared into the water and realized their were bodies under there just waiting to be recovered.
I also recall early on calling my boys who were in Wyoming at my brothers and telling them to turn on CNN. They both had so many questions. Hannah was afraid for months after the collapse of driving over bridges.
Also Cat came over that evening when the Twins game let out. It was so nice to have her here and know that she was safe. We watched for hours saying little, what was there to say?
Posted by Michelle at 11:52 AM 0 comments
A HUGE CONGRATS to the BP Pirates minor league baseball team!! Minor League champions for the 2008 season!!
Way to go Matthew and the rest of the team! I am so proud of you boys!!
Woot woot!!
Posted by Michelle at 7:42 PM 0 comments
It's bbq days people!! Let the party begin! Woot Woot!
Posted by Michelle at 9:06 AM 0 comments
3 pounds of sugar, some water and my kitchen floor = 1 pissed off Mom and 3 kids banished to their rooms
76 more days until school starts!
Posted by Michelle at 1:51 PM 0 comments
A few observations about the rally here in St. Paul tonight.
Let me make it clear in case there was any doubt. I am not an Obama supporter. I am really torn who to throw my vote behind in November as of this exact moment. Having said that....
Barack could have told his supporters at the rally that he eats kittens every morning for breakfast and the crowd would have roared like it was the most brilliant thing anyone has ever said. What is up with that? Did any one in the building hear what he said? He made a whole big speach about how the black are oppressed, how brilliant Hillary Clinton is (amen!!) and all the things he won't do in office. What about what he will do? For once I would love to hear him go in to depth about what he plans to do. He doesn't plan in being in Iraq for a hundred years. How long does he plan to be there? He plans on universal health care. How? How is he going to fund it? I for one could care less what he isn't going to do. I want more from him than big talk and a roaring crowd. I hope I get that in time to make my decision in November. The way it is looking now I am voting Ron Paul. Is he even still running? Maybe I will just write in Hillary!
Posted by Michelle at 8:54 PM 0 comments
*Note: This post was moved from another blog. The pictures that originally accompanied the post were not transferable.
There is beauty everywhere you look if you are open to looking beyond yourself and allowing the beauty to overcome you.
There is beauty in a tree that has just weathered a long cold winter and has exploded like a bomb, leaving small dainty flowers in the aftermath.
There is beauty in two hearts, side by side, touching, as if they were one.
There is beauty in a daisy, so delicate yet so strong.
There is beauty in a new flower bursting open, ready for its shot at life and its moment to bask in the sun.
There is beauty in an old tractor, discarded for the winter, patiently awaiting warm days so it can serve the children with its cool relief and await their delighted squeals of joy.
There is beauty in the lilac bloom so fragrantly sweet and the hand that lovingly cares for them.
There is beauty in an old bench with so much history and sentiment that its owners could never bring themselves to discard of it.
There is beauty in a dog so old and gray. A dog so loved that the mere thought of this old dogs life ending springs forth tears in the eyes of those who love him.
There is beauty in a dandelion that rests against a fence.
There is beauty in the memory of a childhood full of monkey faces.
There is beauty in a bird catching its breakfast and the sweet song it sings as it flies away.
There is beauty in a bugs eye view of a dandelion field as well as crawling on your belly in the warm, sweet smelling grass to get the bugs eye view.
There is beauty in the clear, cloudless blue sky and having nothing more important to do than to daydream about the future, the past and the beauty of today.
Posted by Michelle at 10:03 AM 0 comments
This has been an expensive day to say the least. Ugh.
Sky went to let Clara outside to play with us this morning and came out and said Clara's whole neck was wet and she was shaking really bad. I immediately freaked out and went to check on her. When I got down there she wouldn't even lift her head up. She was shaking but wagging her tail. I coaxed her up off her bed and tried to look at her neck. All I could see was puss so I took her collar off to get a closer look. That's when I was hit by the smell that almost made me pass out. O-M-G! It was horrible.
I tried to get her to go outside with me but she was having none of it. I knew I had to get the crap cleaned off her neck though so I could get a look at it. After what seemed like forever I got her up the stairs and out the door. I tried to spray her off with the hose but she flipped out when the water hit her neck which is odd because she absolutely loves prancing through the sprinkler. I got a bit of it off and looked at her neck which was red and a bit bloody. Scared the poop out of me. I tied calling Shawn a few times to no avail. ARRRRRR!! Why have a cell? Really? I left a panicked message for him to call me back that something was really wrong with his dog. He finally called me back and after a bit I decided to just wait until he got home to look at her before we decided to take her to the vet. She basically laid around and moped the whole day. He got home and looked at her. I said I want to take her in. He agreed which is not normal for him. He never wants to spend the money. Thank goodness he agreed.
The vet looked at her for all of 2 seconds before she diagnosed her. She said Clara has something called a hot spot which double coated dogs get when their fur gets wet and there collar rubs on it causing water to get under the skin and cause infection. The sores were everywhere, they were really big and they all burst. That caused the odor and the 105 degree fever she was sporting. They sedated her, shaved her and cleaned her up. Gave her some antibiotics and pain meds.
Poor little shit has been sleeping since we got her home. She won't even lift her head to look at me, just thumps her tail and nuzzles into me. She is loving all the attention. I can't wait until she is back to normal so I can stop being so panic stricken.
Oh and the cost for this little scare....$300 big ones. 2 days before we leave for Wyoming.
Posted by Michelle at 9:03 PM 0 comments
It's my blog and I'll whine if I want to.
I am sooooo sick of Shawn's job. I have lost track of time. I have no earthly idea how long he has been there. 4 weeks? 5 weeks? I can't remember. Way to long. I am really tired of having no adult interaction. I think it's making me crazy. I talk to my cat and my turtle like they are human. I am tired of being quiet and trying to keep the kids quiet. I am sick of cleaning just to go behind the kids and clean again. NO ONE picks up after themselves. Why this is driving me nuts now is because at least Shawn used to keep the kids in line while I cleaned so it wasn't a vicious cycle of cleaning all day long.
I am tired of being a single parent. I am just not cut out for it. I don't know how single parents juggle cleaning, cooking, entertaining kids, homework, and all that jazz alone. PLUS work. Thank goodness I was able to take a leave from one job and quit the other. I couldn't do all this and work too. I give some serious kudos to single parents.
Don't get my wrong I am really appreciative that Shawn is willing to work 12 hours a day, drive for 3 1/2 hours a day, sleep for 7 hours a day and spend an hour with us every day. We are blessed that he is able to have this job but damn it is getting really old.
A few good things though because I always like to be thankful after being so negative. My Mom had her second knee replacement surgery this morning. All went well and when I talked to her tonight she said she wasn't in any pain. Morphine anyone? She is so looking forward to not living her life in constant pain and promised Hannah she would walk her to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Traci's house when we are there in April. She hasn't been able to walk any length for quite some time so this is very exciting for her.
I ordered my new furniture Saturday. A beautiful leather sectional with matching coffee table/ottoman. It should be here in about 3 weeks! Yay!
Oh a bit of sad news, just a bit. I have become sickly addicted to an eagle cam out of Norfolk. The nest looked very promising this year with the female laying 3 eggs. She was chased out of her nest about a week after she laid the third egg by another female. The bitch stole her man too. Of course the eggs are no longer viable and the female has been MIA since Thursday's heated battle for the male. Nature is odd.
That's my whine. I feel better. Thanks.
Posted by Michelle at 9:29 PM 0 comments
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